Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is a species of large-sized falcon, with a
length of about 50 cm. Bird has a black plumage, grey and blue,
Yellow-billed with black tip and tail short taper. The breast and belly are white with black stripes. The female is similar, but usually have half-sized and larger than the male.
sixteen subspecies recognized with regional spread almost throughout
the hemisphere, excluding Antarctica in almost all the northern
hemisphere subspecies migrates in winter to warmer areas.
The main prey of birds is usually from a large Peregrine Falcon bird of all sizes, such as pigeons, parrots, mynah, and doves. These birds are hunted at the time was flying normally. Peregrine Falcon also prey on other animals, such as rabbits, weasels, rats, frogs, and insects.
Peregrine Falcon is known as one of the fastest creature in the world. On flying time hunting prey can reach speeds of 180 km/h.
This species has a wide range of areas. A number of subspecies are threatened by loss of habitat, the use of pesticides and kontimasi. Peregrine Falcon is evaluated as least concern on the IUCN red list of threatened species and is listed in CITES Appendix