Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

groupon and history

groupon and history
Co-founder and CEO of Groupon, as Andrew Mason revealed six tips from him to create a successful startup, or in the words of Andrew mentioned, "polishing your turds and getting super rich" aka "poleslah Your shit and get rich", at an event by the YCombinator's Startup School at Stanford University.

Groupon is one of the most hot startup in the world in recent years. In just a span of two years, Groupon has created a phenomenon in the world to the concept of collective buying group, with 1,600 employees to grow and increase the value of the Groupon offers to more than 1 Billion US dollars, seeming to Groupon and his team are indeed destined to be so great.

In fact, the journey taken to success encountered many obstacles and Groupon errors. Andrew also revealed the story grew as the company failed Groupon is trying to do too many things in one time.

In 2007, Andrew started a company called ThePoint, a platform that allows the user to create a campaign to collect donations. Here you promise to put your money and set up your credit card, however you do not donate until you touch the "tipping point" to a point where a number of people joining in the campaign or a certain number of financially.
Andrew liked the vision of ThePoint, which melatar-belakangi into a resolution that involves collective action or group of people. He thinks such a platform enabling people to make real change can only happen with the collective action that one of them is by creating a charity campaign.

To try to prove the potential power of ThePoint, Andrew started a blog on WordPress which is called the petty "Groupon" in the fall of 2008, supported by a widget from ThePoint providing deals every day. In the summer of 2009, Groupon is time-consuming and significantly more resources than ThePoint.

While ThePoint didn't get quite the momentumnya, Groupon has skyrocketed. Indeed, what happens? Andrew has 6 (six) the reason why Groupon success and ThePoint otherwise. And more importantly, the six points this is advice from Andrew who can inspire a young entrepreneur who was trying to build a business.

You're building a tool, not a work of art. Andrew suggests that you do not blind by the vision, as he did with ThePoint. Groupon has done the reverse, very focused in their entirety to get customers from the first seconds.
Understand the limitations of yourself, but try menerobosnya.
You should plan to continue to grow with its head.
Tools or tool the best doesn't always look cool. Groupon chose simple and e-mail because it is universal (worldwide).
You may fail, but Andrew advise you to have a fear of failure in your mind because it will help you face the fact and Polish your decisions in building viable products sold into the market.
Know when you should stop. Sometimes you have to let go of a bad idea.

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